Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Forehead Lift: Rejuvenating Your Appearance

Forehead LiftDrooping brows, wrinkles, and age lines on the forehead can make you appear upset, angry, tired, or make you appear dramatically older than you really are. A forehead lift by Dr. Bivik Shah tightens and smooths fine lines and wrinkles and eliminates drooping skin, restoring a refreshed, youthful and invigorated appearance to your face. During the forehead lift procedure, muscles and tissues are removed to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows, and reduce frown lines.
There are two different forms of forehead lift. The more conventional form of forehead lift is performed through an incision below the hairline. The skin is lifted, underlying tissue is removed, and excess skin is trimmed away to smooth wrinkles and lift the eyebrows. During endoscopic forehead lift, an endoscope (a tiny camera connected to a television monitor) is inserted below the skin to lift and tighten the underlying muscle and tissue. This form of forehead lift is performed through three, four, or five incisions, each less than an inch in length. When the procedure is complete, the incisions are stitched closed and the brow is left to heal in its new position.

Forehead lifts by Dr. Shah can be performed under local anesthesia and is often combined with other cosmetic facial procedures. Common side effects of forehead lift include bruising, swelling, and temporary numbness, however most patients report little discomfort.

If you feel that you are experiencing advanced aging symptoms that are not indicative of your age, or if you would just like to look younger, you may be an excellent candidate for face lift, thread lift, or blepharoplasty. Columbus and Dayton, Ohio residents (as well as those from surrounding areas) are urged to contact the Columbus Institute of Plastic Surgery today. You can take years off your appearance and make people stop and take notice of how young and refreshed you look! Click Here to Contact The Columbus Institute of Plastic Surgery and Dr. Bivik Shah...

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